Office Space Planning : Next
An ideal office is one which has all the comfort, safety and functionality along with eye catching environment. These include average square feet per person, corridor widths, appropriate sizes for tea points, copy areas, meeting rooms, receptions, etc.
Reception Area :
Reception area should be large enough to include a desk, phone and computer along with some comfortable seating in which people can comfortably wait.
Work Area :
The work area is arguably the most important part of an office space, and it should be planned carefully. Everyone should work in the same general area as much as your structure permits. This cuts down on time walking back and forth from other work areas. All of the employees in one department should be close together, and interlocking departments should be placed close together, like marketing and accounting. You should provide each employee a comfortable working area, such as an office or a cubicle. Make sure that the correct equipment for each department is within the department and easily accessible.